Codigo Petaccia was born from the need to build a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for each person to allow them to feel good and enjoy good health.
It is no mystery that what we eat influences every aspect of our lives: how we look, how we feel, our health, emotions, behavior, sleep quality and so on. Which have been increasingly harmed by the consumer modern industry and recurrent bad habits that have led us to normalize health conditions and discomfort. We should not feel bad all the time! We should not be fatigued all the time! And most of all, we should not address these problems in the wrong way by treating the symptoms. We need to fix the source of the problem: what we eat.
Taking care of your nutrition is the most effective way to lead a healthy life.
We focus on internalizing sustainable eating habits over time so that you learn what, how, how much and when to eat. We claim that we are all unique beings and therefore have different needs, conditions and preferences.
In Codigo, we seek to achieve your personal goals, reverse conditions attributed to wrong eating habits, achieve your optimal physical and mental functioning, and obtain the best version of you through a tailor-made digital nutrition plan. With the necessary support and counseling for you to follow it correctly and the adjustments required to adapt your plan and transform it into a lifestyle that you can sustain forever.

Giancarlo Petaccia
Entrepreneur and Health Coach. For 20 years he worked as a television host in Chile. Since 2017 he settled in Florida, USA from where he runs his company and motivates thousands of people daily through conferences and social networks to lead a healthy life.
"My experience of years working in the media, led me to try hundreds of diets, exercise routines and treatments to look and feel good, without getting the expected results.
This made me discover the profound relationship between diseases, energy, mood and food, so I decided to venture into the world of nutrition and develop my own method, Codigo Petaccia"
Along with a team of professionals, he developed the methodology and technology necessary to bring Codigo to thousands of people around the world.
The Success of Codigo Petaccia
4 key pillars
It has been proven that standard or 1-for-all diets are useless since we are all different and therefore have different objectives, conditions and needs, which is known as bio individuality. The WHO says that 2% of people who start a diet have no results because they produce rebound in the short term and do not teach you how to eat. The permanent solution consists in changing your relationship with food, learning habits and creating a new lifestyle.
Código Petaccia is present in 34 countries where we already have more than 40,000 students who are part of our Team Codigo and have changed their lifestyle. Codigo has become an important reference in terms of nutrition and lifestyle, conducting seminars and partnering with different companies that care about the quality of life of their workers.
We are proud to be a digital company that maintains the commitment to be responsible with the environmental impact, with the minimum use of paper and the permanent change to the online work mode by all Codigo workers and professionals.